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Have you ever setup Ethernet cabling in your house or workplace? If you have ever had the need to buy or install extensive lengths of Ethernet wire into a house, business, or other structure, you may have observed that there are two different types of Ethernet cables: Flat Ethernet cables and round Ethernet cables. You could have purchased one kind because it was more affordable or seemed to be more stylish, but have you given any thought to the other distinctions between round and flat cables? Where can we even begin to differentiate these things?
When compared to flat cables, round cables are far simpler to set up than flat. In addition to being insulated and shielded to increase their longevity, they include improved resistance to electromagnetic interference (EMI). In comparison, they are similar to flat cables, which don’t have an insulator or protection but are lightweight and easy to package.

Over time, there has been a transition from round ethernet cables to flat ethernet cables. The two kinds of cables are distinct from one another in various respects, with each type having its own set of advantages and disadvantages with regard to certain uses. It could be tough for you to identify which one is best suited for your application since there are so many options. How can you determine if round or flat ethernet cables are more suitable for your needs?
Overview of flat and round Ethernet cables
There is no difference between flat and round ethernet cables when connecting wired devices to a network or the internet. You have the option of selecting ethernet cables ranging from CAT-5 up to CAT-7, and the designs of each of these cables may be either flat or round, depending on the data transfer rate and cable length needs you to have. The following is an overview of the differences between round and flat Ethernet cables and basic information about each type.
Flat Ethernet cables are manufactured from flat copper wire, and feature twisted pairs arranged side-by-side along the cable. Flat cables are not protected, and as a result, they are potentially vulnerable to electromagnetic interference (EMI) across greater distances. In addition, they lack the insulation that would normally be used to reduce the level of heat generated by the wire. Because they lack insulating and protection, they are less costly, lightweight, and simpler to wrap up or bundle than circular cables. Additionally, they have fewer potential points of failure.
Flat Ethernet cables have a number of drawbacks, one of which is that they call for a great deal of care and do not provide the same level of uptime that round connections do. Flat cables are often used in scenarios in which there is a minimal possibility of EMI interference. There is just a need to travel a short distance, and there is a requirement to run the cable along a wall or around a corner.
Differences between flat and round Ethernet cables
In contrast to round cables, flat cables do not include any filler or insulation, which results in flat cables taking less space and weighing less than round wires. Flat cables’ electrical quality is superior to that of round cables because the internal electrical wires run parallel to one another over the full length of the cable. One other advantage of having the conductors run in parallel is that the power of the conductors is maintained throughout the length of the cable.
Due to the several layers of insulation and wire included inside round ethernet cables, they can produce a minimal amount of heat when subjected to repetitive motion cycles. Due to the nature of the smoothness of the wire, this is not an issue with flat cables.
When compared to flat wires, round cables are easier to set up and can be handled through walls with more dexterity. They are also more long-lasting because the insulation, filler, and shielding all provide some kind of protection. In other words, spherical ethernet cables have a lower need for maintenance and a higher uptime than their flat counterparts.
Additionally, round Ethernet cables are not as sensitive to attenuation, which is the deterioration (or loss) of data that may occur over long cable lengths. Attenuation is something that could happen to flat cables if they are very long because they are more susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Additionally, compared to flat wires, round Ethernet cables provide a higher level of insulation. When it comes to electrical wiring, insulation serves as a kind of PVC buffer to keep the wires from touching one other or the outside world.
Should you use flat vs round Ethernet cables?
The option of whether to utilize flat or round ethernet cables is one that must be made dependent on the application. There is no significant difference between the various types; therefore, for most typical homes and small types of networks, you should use whatever kind you are most familiar with or already have on hand. Round Ethernet cables are likely to be the superior option if installation must take place in a datacentre, across extensive distances, or when the cable must be threaded through an existing wall.
Flat Ethernet cables might be a good choice for your installation if you are looking for a more cost-effective solution; you are not concerned about reduced durability; and you are also looking for better choices for cable management. Before deciding whether to use flat or round ethernet cables, you should always consider each option’s benefits and drawbacks, be aware of the many kinds of cables you currently own, and understand what will work best for your particular application. After considering the many options, making a decision shouldn’t be too hard, should it?
Bending flat and round Ethernet cables
Both flat and circular Ethernet cables may be twisted around obstructions to allow your two devices to connect and communicate with one another. However, were you conscious that all cable manufacturers specify the bend radius for both flat and round cables? The least amount you must twist the cable is the minimum amount allowed by the maximum bend radius. This is done to avoid compromising the cable’s internal conductors and causing damage to the cable.
Even if you were conscious that there are recommended bending radiuses, you could have had the feeling that you shouldn’t bend an Ethernet wire more than ninety degrees, even if you may not have known what those bending radiuses are. If you bend an Ethernet cable too much, you run the risk of a number of problems, some of which include an adverse effect on the performance of the network, a reduction in the rate of data transmission, the loss of connection at periodic intervals, and the cessation of data transfer altogether.
When it comes to CAT5 ethernet cables, the typical bend radius required is equal to four times the diameter of the cable. If the diameter of the wire is one inch (as it would be in a standard CAT5), then the minimum bend radius is four inches. Therefore, bigger cables need higher bend radiuses to function properly. A decent rule of thumb is to strive for a bend that is no tighter than the curvature of a regular US quarter. This is because tighter bends are more difficult to work with.
It is important to exercise precaution while bending round and flat ethernet wires, particularly flat cables. Flat cables are more susceptible to damage from over-bending than round cables are because of their shape, which allows them to bend more readily. When you are installing an Ethernet cable, you need to be aware of the bend radius regardless of whether you use a flat or round cable.
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