How to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop

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Lenovo is one of the most recognized manufacturers in the world of laptops. Therefore, it is likely that you have one of their gear at home. If you are wondering how to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop, you have come to the right place. Keep reading because here we give you the answer to this question.

In the following sections we explain what the most recommended methods are to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop. In this way, you will know different procedures and you will be able to use the one that suits you best depending on the occasion. Let’s go there!

What is the purpose of taking a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop?

Before going into specifics and explaining the most advisable ways to capture the screen on a Lenovo laptop, we explain why it is so necessary to know these tricks.

Taking a screenshot can come in handy to store information quickly. For example, you may want to create a copy of a website, an email, or even an image. Storing that content in a graphic file thanks to the screenshot is probably the fastest way. Similarly, when errors appear in the operating system or in a program, taking a picture of the screen will come in handy to find help on the Internet or show the problem to another user. It will even be useful if you need to create a support document that shows the step-by-step of a process within an application.

In the previous paragraph we have mentioned only three circumstances in which knowing how to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop could be useful. However, it is very likely that you can think of many others. Do you want to know what are all the methods to do it? We explain them below.

Every method to take a screenshot on Lenovo laptop

Fortunately, there is no single way to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop. This variety of possibilities is great for saving the content of what appears on the interface in different cases. Choose the one that suits you best according to the occasion.

With the Print Screen key

Taking a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop with the Print Screen key is really easy. Keep in mind that, depending on the layout of the keyboard, it is possible that this button is in one place or another or that it is not there at all. In the latter case, you will have to use the rest of the tricks that we mention in this article.

In any case, if your device comes with the Print Screen key (it usually appears with the text PrintScreen or PrntScr), using it is as easy as doing this:

  1. Place all the elements you want to capture on the screen. You need to open the applications or dialogs that you want to appear in the image. Remember that applications that are minimized will not show.
  2. Press the Print Screen key. Quickly, you will notice that the team has not done anything, at least in appearance. That’s because the image has been copied to the clipboard.
  3. If you want to create an image file with the capture, open Paint or any other image editing program and paste the contents of the clipboard. Then, save the file as a JPG or PNG to store the content of the screen in a file.
  4. On the contrary, if you want to paste the capture in a document, access Word or any text editor. It is also possible to send the image via WhatsApp or Telegram, pasting the content of the clipboard directly into a conversation.

Do not forget that with this method a picture of the entire screen is taken and that it is not possible to select individual windows or specific areas.

Windows + Shift + S

A reliable alternative to the Print Screen key is the keyboard combination Windows + Shift + S. With it you will open the Windows 10/11 screenshot software. Remember that, before pressing those three keys at the same time, you are required to place all the elements you plan to capture in view, as we indicated in the previous step. So do the following:

  1. Pressing Windows + Shift + S will make the screen go darker. In the upper area, you will see a selector with several modes. It allows you to take a photo of the entire screen, a specific area or a window only.
  2. After you have taken your screenshot, it will be copied to the clipboard. This allows you to paste it into compatible applications, such as Paint, Word or Telegram.
  3. In addition, you will receive a notification that, when pressed, opens the Windows editing tool. Use it if you want to add elements to the image, such as drawings or text.

Windows + Print Screen

The combination of keys Windows + Print Screen has the same effect as pressing this last key individually. The main difference is that the system launches a visual effect that confirms that the capture was successful.

Snipping Tool

The snipping tool included in Windows 10 and Windows 11 is the same one that appears when you press Windows + Shift + S. However, as an alternative, it is possible to locate it using the system search and take a screenshot from its application.

With a third-party App

There are countless programs developed specifically to capture the screen on a Windows computer. With just a look-up online you will see hundreds of alternative for you to choose.

Power button and volume down button

How to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop

Finally, you should know that Lenovo laptops with a convertible or 2-in-1 form factor allow you to take screenshots without the physical keyboard. How is it possible? Holding down the power and volume down button at the same time for a few seconds. Depending on the operating system, some tools or others will appear on the screen.

Conclusions on how to take a screenshot on a Lenovo laptop

In this article we have explained to you why it is necessary to know the different methods to take screenshots on a Lenovo laptop. Although we have focused on the equipment of the Chinese firm, the truth is that most of the instructions included in this guide will help you even when you have equipment from another brand.

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